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© 2024 Fernando Cobelo​  |  P. IVA 11940190017

Sweater Weather
Personal project

A collection of illustrations inspired by the different wathers in New York during the Fall season.

fernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorkerfernando cobelo, sweater, weather, sweater weather, new york, NYC, the new yorker